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Physical Education at Abbeyfield

Curriculum Overview 

All students are expected to participate in a wide range of sports to broaden understanding and increase levels of fitness and skills required in many different environments. Students will develop an understanding of the rules and regulations in these sports and develop their performance and tactical understanding through participating as a performer, coach or official. Powerful knowledge that students learn throughout KS3 will prepare and support students on their journey through KS4, KS5 and beyond. We aim to instil an understanding of how to live a healthy active lifestyle and motivate students to maintain this throughout their life. 

Key Stage 3 

Students will learn about the importance of a warm-up and the stages involved in preparing the body for physical activity. Through practical lessons students will develop their understanding of the components of fitness and how these are important for performance in many different sports. Students will learn to develop their skills, techniques, and tactics to overcome opponents and be capable of transferring skills between sports. Students will participate in most of the following: 

  • Badminton Rugby Netball  
  • Football Fitness Handball  
  • Trampolining (Year 8/9) Table tennis Dodgeball 
  • Rounders Athletics Cricket 

Key Stage 4 

Throughout Year 10 and Year 11, students have the choice to focus on sports and physical activities they have an interest in. Students will pick their own pathways and participate in lessons with the view of being active and inspiring a love for health and fitness that leads to students maintaining a healthy active lifestyle upon leaving school. Students have the opportunity to try new sports or continue to build on those studied in KS3. 

Students who study Level 2 BTEC sport will developing their knowledge and skills in many different areas which include but are not limited to: 

  • Anatomy and physiology 
  • Sports leadership 
  • Sports performance 
  • Fitness training and programming 
  • Participation, provision, and technology in sport 
  • Rules and responsibilities in selected sports 
  • Fitness testing and interpretation 

Students will sit an examination and complete coursework made up of written reports, PowerPoints, and gather practical evidence of performance and leadership as part of their overall grade. 

Key Stage 5 

Students who pursue Level 3 BTEC Sport will develop an in-depth understanding of skills and knowledge required in many different careers in the sports industry and other industries. Students will complete units in: 

  • Anatomy and physiology 
  • Fitness training and programming 
  • Professional development in the sports industry 
  • Application of fitness testing 

As part of the course students will sit two externally assessed examinations and complete two units of coursework. Students learn skills to analyse and evaluate data, plan appropriate training programmes, apply for jobs and sit interviews, follow protocols correctly and lead fitness testing for clients.  


The Physical Education department runs a wide extracurricular programme for students to participate in sport for enjoyment, development, and competition. We are entered into many leagues and cup competition in a large number of sports and successfully compete against other schools in the county. We also run support sessions for those studying BTEC sport to offer help and guidance where required. 

For full details of what is available each night of the week, please see the extracurricular timetable.